About Us
T S Holt Company, LLC is a full service surety bond agency with access to national markets that allow us the flexibility to provide your bonding needs efficiently and economically. Though our discounted premiums may catch your attention, superior customer service is our bridge to build long term relationships with our clients.

Building Trust through Surety Bond Solutions
T S Holt Company, LLC can help your company achieve its goals in three ways:
VALUE: Our dynamic premium structure rewards qualified applicants with deep
premium discounts that reduce your overhead and improve your bottom line profit. We also offer many multi-year bonds that protect your low premium rates and satisfy your bonding requirements for up to three years.
CONVENIENCE: We only use simple, straightforward applications. For most license
and permit bonds, no financial statement or spouse's signature is required. Most applications can be processed via email or fax. We gladly accept your Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover or Check.
SERVICE: Most bonds for qualified applicants can be issued within a day of receiving your application and choice of premium in our office. After bond issue, our friendly,
professional staff is always available to answer your questions and meet your needs.
T.S. Holt Company, LLC only uses excellent rated, licensed and approved sureties that
meet all the requirements of your state licensing board.